Monday, July 22, 2013

Let Freedom Ring.

The news that Daniel and I were having a girl had hardly set in completely when we called my grandma and grandpa to deliver the fabulous news. This will be their first great granddaughter, and Daniel and I are quite pleased to have accomplished such a deed. My grandma, Joyce, answered the phone, and became immediately delighted with the information. Her mind slipped and faded throughout the conversation, but through the fog that filled her mind she express great joy at the expectation of a great granddaughter. 

After hanging up the phone, my thoughts were consumed with those of my grandma's declining mental health and those of my future baby girl. It was at that moment that I considered Joy for the middle name of our sweet babe. Joy is obviously taken from my grandma's name, Joyce, but joy describes so many things about both of these girls, my grandma and my baby, that have greatly impacted my life.

According to the Webster's dictionary, the noun freedom is "the power to act, speak, or think as one wants without hinderance or restraint". The power of freedom is pleasantly welcomed and practiced each and every day by so many Americans, but, unfortunately, we only take the time to celebrate this incredible blessing on one day of the year.

This Fourth of July was different than any Independence Day before it. I unwillingly saw my grandmother's "power to act, speak, or think as [she wanted] without hinderance or restraint" be taken away, but I was also able to feel the relief as her freedom was restored when she returned to our Heavenly Father that July morning.

For the past several years, my grandma valiantly tried to conquer the mind-altering effects of Dementia, but over time the disease slowly robbed her of her freedoms. In her final days battling against Dementia, she lost all power to act, speak, and think how she once had. It was absolutely heartbreaking to watch my grandma suffer, as well as all her loved ones.

However, I can't think of a better day than a day dedicated to freedom to celebrate my grandma's life and the day she finally regained her freedom. The Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday, and I think it will continue to be rated among the top, because my grandma is certainly rated among the top. She would be pleased to know that the day that we will celebrate her life will be spent with family, as Independence Day always has been throughout the years. She always enjoyed a nice hot dog or hamburger, which will always remind me of her during our annual Fourth of July barbecue. And, finally, my grandma's hilarious sense of humor, lipstick lined smile, and one-of-a-kind giggle could light up any room just like a firework lights up every dark Fourth of July sky.

I love this beautiful country and the freedoms it provides. I love my family more than anything, especially my sweet grandma. And I love that I get to remember how wonderful she was on such an inspiring and thought-provoking holiday. I am so blessed to have the people that surround me and I'm so blessed to be free.

Daniel and I tried our best to continue our Fourth of July celebrations despite the news of my grandma's passing that morning. While silently driving in the car, Daniel turned and said, "I think we should use Joy as the middle name". I was almost brought to tears for the millionth time that day. I had not mentioned the idea of Joy to him before, but I quickly told him I had been thinking the same thing a week earlier after my phone call with my grandma, the last time I spoke to her. It has been so exciting to have decided on a name for our baby girl, and it's even more exciting for the name to have so much meaning to us. 

We can hardly wait to welcome the first great granddaughter, the first granddaughter, the first niece, and our first daughter, Ellisyn Joy Spicer , to our family this fall!


  1. Courtney, you are such a beautiful writer. This was beautiful post about your wonderful grandma and also the blessings of freedom. And, you two have picked a beautiful name! What a beautiful family. :)
