Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nine Months.

Ellisyn's nine months began at her routine wellness check. She was, once again, below the 20th percentile in every category. The appointment ended with a few shots and some encouraging words from the pediatrician to hopefully get E to start crawling. She still prefers to just sit and watch everything around and absolutely hates when we put her on her tummy. I have been enjoying my stationary baby for the time being, but it was getting to that time where Ellisyn needs to start moving or we need to start getting concerned! 

Although Ellisyn hasn't decided to start moving around, she is right on track developmentally in every other aspect. She continues to babble all day, every day. Two little bottom teeth have also creeped through which have opened a whole new world of foods for Ellisyn. She continues to be the center of our world, and I think we all like it that way.

Every summer, the entire Sargent family gathers together for a week long party in Island Park. This summer was no exception, but it was exceptionally special since it was Ellisyn's first time. We spent the week boating, bike riding, razoring, touring, eating, and just enjoying each others company. I was so excited to share one of my favorite weeks of the year with Ellisyn. She definitely won the "Best Baby Award", and I'm definitely already excited for next year!

We came home from Island Park just in time for the Fourth of July, my most favorite holiday! I couldn't wait to spend the day under the sun and the night under the fireworks with my little family. It was a fabulous day spent at American Falls boating with the Spicer group, followed by a barbecue, and finally ended with dessert and The Biggest Show in Idaho at the Sargent house. E has become a pro at boating now, and she didn't mind the fireworks at all!

For the past I don't even know how many years my birthday has been while we're in Island Park, which is fine by me, but this year we went earlier in the month so we were able to celebrate my day in our new backyard. We had our whole family and a few friends over for a barbecue and games. We borrowed my parents kiddie pool for all the kids, but mostly so I had a reason to put Ellisyn in her new baby bikini which was well worth it! I was so spoiled by everyone, but the best present is being able to spend time with all of my favorite people.

I can't believe another month of Ellisyn's life has gone by, and I can't believe that her next doctor's appointment will be her one year check-up. I have loved every second of the last nine months! She is our pride and joy!

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