Monday, July 25, 2011


Last week I had to get my stomach scoped due to my unending stomach issues.
The procedure required me to be sedated, for the first time. Ever.
I thought I did pretty well, but several hours after the scope Daniel had some pretty funny stories about me.
After arriving home from the doctor's, I went directly to bed.
I instantly began yelling, "DANiEL! DANiEL!"
Daniel came to my rescue where I told him I left my purse at the doctor's office.
He pointed out that my purse was actually right next to me.
Relieved I would shut my eyes, only to begin the whole conversation of panic again!
I guess I'm pretty fun when I'm a little loopy!
I'm just glad I had my sweet hubs to take care of me!


  1. Hmmmm.....sounds like you have a little bit of grandma in ya :)

  2. haha Hollies comment made me laugh so hard. Sean and I were just saying how nice your parents are every time we see them. Hope things are doing okay for you.
