Friday, February 28, 2014

Four Months.

Ellisyn started the new year and her fourth month of life at a tiny twelve pounds and twenty four and a half inches long. She's a skinny, tall, bald bombshell and we wouldn't want her any other way. Personality has completely filled Ellisyn's body and seems to be exploding at the seams. It has been so fun to see her blossom into an attentive and captivated baby girl.

After loving every minute of Elliysn's first three months as a part of our family, I had to go back to work at The Treehouse Daycare and Preschool. I get to teach a four and five year old preschool class for three hours Monday through Friday mornings while Ellisyn gets to stay home with her daddy, except the lucky two mornings of the week that she gets to spend with her grandmas. I have enjoyed being able to contribute to my family without missing out on being home with my baby during the day. I honestly feel like I have the best of both worlds.

The doctor officially gave us permission to introduce our once premie and very susceptible baby to the outside world, and we've had so much fun seeing everything for the first time through the eyes of a baby. One of her first outings was to meet my very excited and anxious preschool class. She immediately flashed the kids a huge smile and they've been awed by her ever since. Ellisyn medical clearance has finally allowed Daniel and I to return to our regular attendance at church. There's just something irresistibly adorable about a baby girl in a denim dress. As grandma Michelle said three years ago when she bought the dress,"Every little girl needs a denim dress!"

At four months, Ellisyn has conquered so many exciting milestones. The one we love the most would have to be that she sleeps through the entire night. Ellisyn goes to bed around nine-thirty and wakes up between seven and eight! It's a truly wonderful thing. She has officially mastered smiling, too, and it is quite rare to see her without a massive grin across her face. It's obvious that Ellisyn is unaware of stranger danger because she is instantly friends with anyone that makes eye contact with her. The muscles in her neck have also become much stronger, which delights her dad as he's been dying to do all sorts of daring tricks with her.

The day E was born, we couldn't help but notice her beautiful hands. She has perfect, long fingers. Her two grandmas immediately exclaimed how perfect they would be for playing the piano, while her dad and Aunt Jess instantly announced that Ellisyn will be able to palm a basketball. Four months later, Ellisyn has finally noticed her hands for herself. She absolutely loves sucking on her hands, not just a finger or two, Ellisyn prefers the entire hand. All. The. Time. 

Daniel and I clapped, cheered, and called the grandparents on February ninth when Ellisyn rolled over for the first time. We thought our little tummy timer had finally realized the benefits of rolling over, but she sure fooled us. We have yet to see her roll over since then, but what happened on accident will be happening on purpose before we know it.

Ellisyn's lack of hair has prompted me to adorned her with countless accessories. I have accumulated a ridiculous amount of headbands, but you can never really have enough. Ellisyn has constantly had a headband on since she was born. They don't seem to bother her, even though they constantly fall down over her eyes. She recently has been able to grab her headbands and pulls them down without really knowing what she's doing. Oh, headband problems. 

Ellisyn did her time of eight weeks since she got her ears pierced, and was rewarded with three new pairs of baby earrings. I can already tell that she is going to be one of my very favorite shopping buddies.

The weekend before E's four month birthday, she went on her first vacation. We ventured down to Salt Lake City to stay at The Kimball condos Friday and Saturday night. I was extremely nervous to ruin her near perfect sleeping schedule by traveling, but I was pleasantly surprised when Ellisyn slept through the whole night both nights we were there. She was a trooper as we were out and about all day long. The highlight of the trip was going to the Jazz vs. Heat basketball game. Ellisyn was wide eyed for most of the game but fell asleep by the end. She must have been the Jazz good luck charm, however, because they won! It was such a fun weekend, and I can't wait to continue experiencing more new things with my little family.

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