Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Christmas season truly is one of the most wonderful times of the year. I am extremely thankful, and grateful, for this Christmas season. It is amazing that so many people can come together and serve each other while celebrating the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. I am incredibly blessed, especially to be a part of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for Christ's birth and his atoning sacrifice. I know that through the atonement I, along with those I love, can have eternal life. It is my hope that I can continue to remember the spirit of Christmas, not only during December, but throughout the year.

I'm already halfway through my Christmas break from school and work. It has been absolutely wonderful to spend time with friends and family. I completed my third semester at I.S.U., and successfully passed each of my classes! During my last day of work before the winter recess, the kids were hyper with anticipation for Santa Claus to come the following week. The children had been talking about Christmas and Santa for weeks. As part of our after school curriculum, we asked the kids what traditions were practiced in their homes during the holidays. A sweet little first grade girl said,"My brother and I leave out milk and homemade cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve!" The kids all commented on her tradition, as they each had a similar one, but a little first grade boy perked up and replied,"Well, at my house, we leave out beer for Santa!" I couldn't help but giggle at his remark, but instantly the first little girl burst into tears shouting,"SANTA DOESN'T DRINK BEER!!" She was completely crushed at the thought of Santa Claus drinking alcohol! The first grade boy shouted back,"OH YES HE DOES, THE CAN IS ALWAYS EMPTY ON CHRISTMAS MORNING!" The class quickly began taking sides as to whether Santa would drink beer or not. I had to mediate the situation, but I'm sure every parent that night was faced with some serious question about Santa and his habits!

The winter season is often cold and miserable, but my friends and I have had a blast this winter! I had the great experience of providing Christmas for a needy family in Pocatello. We also enjoyed sledding, making gingerbread houses, white elephant gift exchanges, and an ugly sweater party. Another exciting thing about the holidays is the fact that so many of my friends that are away at school get to come home for Christmas. I have really loved hanging out with all of my old high school gang. It has been a super fun holiday season!

My Christmas day was fantastic. My family and I got up bright and early to enjoy a big breakfast and open gifts. It was really great, but the best gift of all was talking to Daniel on the phone! I was invited to go to the Spicer's to talk with Elder Spicer! It was awesome to hear his voice and to know that he is doing well. He is truly a magnificent missionary, and it's hard to believe that he is quickly approaching his one year mark in less than a month! It's comforting to think that I only have two more phone calls until he his home! Haha! The day after Christmas, my family and I traveled to Salt Lake City to stay in my parents condo across from Temple Square. We attended the Jazz basketball game, shopped, and enjoyed all the activities found on the temple grounds. I had a really fun and memorable Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. OH i am so happy to hear you talked to Daniel and that everything is going good!! I have a feeling everything is going to work out :)
