Monday, January 2, 2012

Party like it's the end of the world...

...because it's two thousand and twelve!
Happy New Year fellow bloggers!
Time truly flies when you're having fun,
and we have had plenty of fun throughout 2011.
The highlight of the year would be Daniel getting
third place in a prestigious ping pong tournament.
Haha. NOT!
It would definitely have to be April 9th.
The day Daniel and I were wed.
It's been a party ever since.
Here is a recap of the past year...

Daniel liked it, so he put a ring on it New Year's Day.
We got hitched for eternity in April.
Daniel got a jolly new job at ICCU.
Finished yet another semester at good ol' Idaho State.
Became first time Primary teachers.
Reunited with the family in Island Park.
I became 21 years young.
We had the blessing of becoming an aunt
and uncle to a perfect celestial being, Miss Teagan Faith.
I gladly accepted a new calling in the Primary presidency.
Bought a new car.
Daniel welcomed his 23rd year of existence.
Concluded fall semester at the home of the bengals.
Celebrated Jesus' birthday with the best of both families.
Finally, we sealed 2011 with a kiss and
welcomed 2012 with the same.

Daniel and I have so much to be thankful for this year.
It's so easy to find joy in the journey when you have
a journey like ours.
I have a feeling 2012 is going to be just as blissful.
We have plenty to look forward to...

Daniel starts a new job managing a dental office.
A continuation of education.
A new niece.
A new nephew.
Jessica's high school graduation.
Ryan's law school graduation.
A 15 day trip to FRANCE!
...and sooooo much more!

I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us,
because you know it's a party as long as we've
got each other!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog, its so fun! And I have to tell you thank you, in the last two posts you have mentioned Teagan. Hearing her name is music to my ears and seeing someone else write about her... I can't describe the feeling, its wonderful to read! I love you guys and we had a blast with you this holiday season.
