Monday, September 10, 2012

Bike Race.

Daniel has never been one to spend his time playing video games. His mom has often told me that when Daniel was younger he would be out on the driveway playing basketball, while all of his friends were inside playing video games. Physical activity has continued to be Daniel's preference when he has spare time, until now. Daniel and his friends have recently discovered the new game called Bike Race. This is an app for your iPod, iPad, or cell phone. We used to have lots of fun getting together with our friends, but recently when we all get together, it looks like this...

The husbands usually sit in complete silence playing against each other in Bike Race, while the wives  chat. Bike Race hasn't completely replaced Daniel's love for physical activity, though. It's simply motivated him to ride his bike more. Daniel's number one reason for moving into a two bedroom apartment was to be able to have the space to keep our bikes. I have enjoyed having our bikes at our apartment, because we get to have our own actual bike races. Today, Daniel and I rode our bikes all the way to school. We decided that it was quicker than driving and finding a parking spot! I'm pretty sure we'll be riding our bikes to school more often, or until winter comes at least!

Speaking of Mac products, we went with Jessica to purchase her first Macbook Pro this past weekend. We know she'll love it with all of the homework she'll be having at Idaho State now. As they always say, "Once you go Mac, you never go back!"

Idaho State also had the first home football game on Saturday. My cousin, Kristopher, is in the National Guard. So, we got to see him walk out on the field for the national anthem. It made me proud, not only to be a Bengal, but an American. Idaho State pulled out with a victory and the super Sargent/Spicer fan club couldn't be happier!

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