Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Doctoring, Decorating, Dumping, Dining, and Developing.

Dr. Sargent sure seems to have a ring to it, don't you think?! My dad has had many titles throughout his life, but he has never been referred to as doctor, until now. For some odd reason, my dad decided to purchase a muscle simulator from I never cease to be amazed at the items one can buy on the internet. Needless to say, Dr. Sargent has been providing "treatments" whenever we go to his house, and Daniel couldn't be more pleased with the suspicious online purchase.

After moving into our new apartment, Daniel and I have been on the hunt for a new desk. We were settling on buying a cheap desk that would do the job, but Daniel's parents offered to give us John's parents' old desk. It's a pretty cool desk with plenty of sentimental value, so I didn't want to do anything to drastically change it. I decided to put a collage of pictures from our trip to Paris under the glass top. It turned out to be the perfect desk top!

A few of you may recall this particular picture from Daniel's mission...

Well, before Daniel's soccer game the other night, we took another photo to go with the theme. It seems these signs are sending Daniel mixed messages. What's a poor guy to do?!

I discovered yet another Pinterest success, Crock Pot Fajitas. The recipe is so simple and so yummy. Check it out for yourself...

There have been some exciting new developments with my job. For those of you who don't know, I babysit my sweet nephew every day. It's quite possibly the best job ever. Baby Kyle has recently developed the strength to sit up, thus making shopping much more entertaining, for the both of us.

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